DeepGenomeScan : A Deep Learning Approach for Whole Genome Scan (WGS) and Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS)

This package implements the genome scan and genome-wide association studies using deep neural networks (i.e, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)). DeepGenomeScan offers heuristic computational framework integrating different neural network architectures (i.e.,Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), convolutional neural network(CNN)) and robust resampling methods, as well as the Model-Agnostic interpretation of feature importance for convolutional neural networks. DeepGenomeScan, in other words, deep learning for genome-wide scanning, is a deep learning-based approach for detecting signatures of natural selection or for performing omics-based genome-wide association studies, such as GWAS, PWAS, TWAS, MWAS. The framework makes the implementation user-friendly. It is compatible with most of the self-defined machine learning models (the self-defined models should be complete, including tunable parameters, fitted model, predicted model, examples can be found in our tutorial). Users can adopt this framework to study various evolutionary questions.

Install packages


Preparing data

f <- system.file('extdata',package='DeepGenomeScan')
infile <- file.path(f, "sim1.csv")

Setting the resampling method

econtrol1 <- trainControl(## 5-fold CV, repeat 5 times
  method = "adaptive_cv",
  number = 5,
  ## repeated ten times
  repeats = 5,search = "random")

DeepGenomeScan with “mlp” model

GSmlp<- DeepGenomeScan(as.matrix(genotype_norm),env$envir1,
                                  metric = "RMSE",## "Accuracy", "RMSE","Rsquared","MAE"
                                  tuneLength = 10, ### random search 10 hyperparameter combinations
                                  # tuneGrid=CNNGrid, or setting the tune grid
                                  trControl = econtrol1)

#### Note the genotype_norm is a n*p genotype matrix
#### varIMP for SNPs
out=varImp(GSmlp,scale = FALSE)
Plot the SNP importance scores
#### Calculating p-values and plot Manhanttan plot, remember to scan all environmnet factors and use DLqvaluearsine function to convert the multi-effect importance values to q-values
### here is only plot importance of an example of using one environment factor

  loadings<-DL_data# [,1:as.numeric(K)]
  normdat <- apply(loadings, 2, normalize)
  asindat=apply(normdat,2, function(x) {asin(sqrt(x))})
  resmaha <- covRob(asindat, distance = TRUE, na.action= na.omit, estim="donostah")$dist
  lambda <- median(resmaha)/qchisq(0.5,df=K)
  reschi2test <- pchisq(resmaha/lambda,K,lower.tail=FALSE)
  qval <- qvalue(reschi2test)
  padj <- p.adjust(reschi2test,method="bonferroni")
  return(data.frame(p.values=reschi2test, q.values=q.values_DL,padj=padj,mahaD=resmaha))

DLsim1=apply(out,2,normalize) #18


## Manhattan plot

ggplot() +
  geom_point(aes(x=which(Loci=="Neutral"), y=-log10(Simqvaluear[-which(Loci!="Neutral"),1])), col = "gray83") +
  geom_point(aes(x=which(Loci!="Neutral"), y=-log10(Simqvaluear[-which(Loci=="Neutral"),1]), colour = Selected_Loci)) +
  xlab("SNPs") + ylab("DNN -log10(p-value)") +ylim(c(0,100))+theme_bw()
plot(out$Overall,  ylab="SNP importance")

Welcome any feedback and pull request.


The current version is 0.5.5 (Sep 2, 2020).


Qin, X. 2020. DeepGenomeScan: A Deep Learning Approach for Whole Genome Scan (WGS) and Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS). R package, v0.5.5.

Qin X, Chiang CWK, Gaggiotti OE. 2021. Deciphering signatures of natural selection via deep learning. bioRxiv:2021.2005.2027.445973.