Qin Xinghu, Gaggiotti Oscar , Chiang Charleston. 2020. Qin, X., Gaggiotti, OE., Chiang, C. 2020. Kernel Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (KLFDAPC) significantly improves the accuracy of predicting geographic origin of individuals R package version 0.1.0. http://github.com/xinghuq/KLFDAPC

  title = {{KLFDAPC}: Qin, X., Gaggiotti, OE., Chiang, C. 2020. Kernel Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (KLFDAPC) significantly improves the accuracy of predicting geographic origin of individuals},
  author = {Xinghu Qin and Oscar Gaggiotti and Charleston Chiang},
  note = {R package version 0.1.0},
  url = {http://github.com/xinghuq/KLFDAPC},
  • Xinghu Qin. Maintainer.